You are at the right place if you want to get REAL information about Blitz Alerts or The Blitz Tracker.

Disclaimer: This Blitz Tracker’s review is my 100% unbiased and professional opinion. I'm not associated or affiliated with The Blitz Tracker, WealthPress, or Lance Ippolito. I will get no benefit if you subscribe to this newsletter or not.
Without further ado, let’s jump on the review…
A Complete Overview Of The Blitz Tracker:
- The Blitz Tracker, also known as The Weekly Blitz Alerts, is a financial newsletter.
- It is published by WealthPress, propagating investment and stock advice in an untraditional way.
- The newsletter provides the recommendations and strategies regarding options trading by Lance Ippolito, the heart and soul of The Blitz Tracker.
- Lance Ippolito promises 4-5 figure gains in a 24-hour explosion. Now, I can see that you don’t know much about him. That’s because he’s not a national media-level expert.
- He holds a finance degree from the University of South Florida, and he has been featured on some media outlets such as Futures, Midas Letter, etc. but not on Fox, CNN, or WSJ. He's also the CEO of The Money Trading. You can say that he's a successful trader, and he knows his stuff pretty well.
- But there is indeed less information available about him and his trading journey.
- However, the advice he offers is quite risky and adventurous. I don’t know how adventurous you’re willing to be with your money.
- This newsletter's main promise is to provide you massive gains and get your earning potential through the roof in a 24-hour period.
- They play in options trading, and taking blind risk is the cornerstone of this newsletter's strategy.
- It also comes with a software called Blitz Tracker, which provides the alert a day before a stock option is going to rise and recommends buying it for the next 24 hours.
- Lance knows the high-risk factor bundled with his advice, so to minimize the risk, he provides some sort of guarantee in the form of the following three layers.
- Every single week you’re provided with access to two trade options.
- They promise to maximize your profits by at least five times.
- If you’re not satisfied with the gains, they will endorse you to other services of WealthPress.
- They also provide a full money-back guarantee for the first month. If you're not satisfied with the quality of content after your subscription, you can claim your money back in the first month.
- They advocate that you should have complete trust in the advice of Blitz Tracker, but it would be wise to take into account the opinions of other experts and play cautiously, not blindly. The reason is that nobody can say with 100% certainty how the market will behave the next day. These all are guesses, and they can be wrong. You cannot take the luck factor out of the market.
- Lance Ippolito uses a method called Shadow Blitz for recommending. He describes Shadow Blitz as “an unusual group of trades that signals a stock is about to explode in just a matter of hours.” All his strategy revolves around this method.
Options trading is considered riskier than traditional trading. It is advised to play with care, and if you're not an experienced investor, it is recommended to avoid this form of trading. If you're a beginner in stock investment or your tolerance level is low, it's better to ignore the advice of this newsletter, even if you're excited, and your testosterones are going through the roof.
How Much Does The Blitz Alerts Cost And What Is Included In The Subscriptions Package?
Now, I’ve reviewed many financial newsletters such as Fast Fortune Club, Stansberry Investment Advisory, and many more. Some of them are very popular and provide solid investment advice, but none of them cost as much as The Blitz Tracker. It would be hard for beginner investors to spend that amount of money on this newsletter and others.
- For a yearly subscription to The Blitz Tracker, you have to pay a whopping amount of $1997. But if you want to buy a lifetime membership, you can get it for $2497.
- It's a substantial amount, and you can't throw it away without ensuring that you will get a good value for the money, and it would not be a complete waste of time and money.
- The good thing is that they provide a one-month money-back guarantee. If it does not perform according to their promises and your expectations, you can cancel your membership and take your money back.
Following treats are also included in the subscription package along with the newsletter:
- Invitation to the annual Blitz Summit – Two tickets.
- Access to the web portal – exclusive for members.
- 24-hour customer support – Blitz hotline.
- Blitz report (weekly) along with videos.
- An ebook called The Blitz Playbook.
- Video training – Blitz Alert Secrets.
- Stock recommendations – Five.
They try to package it in a straight-to-the-point manner for time-saving and better understanding. They know that their target audience is experienced and busy investors, so there is no point beating around the bush.
You will see The Blitz Tracker reports on the web portal after buying the membership. You have to keep an eye on it. Your 24-hours explosion starts when an option turns green. You have to start trading without waiting or thinking, or hesitating for the next 24 hours. You don't have time to evaluate the risk, just trust the recommendations and do it.
The Blitz Tracker: Legit Or Just Another Scam:
I’m sure, keeping in view the heavy price tag and all the process enumerated above, doubts are creeping in your mind about the legitimacy of this newsletter.
- Though it seems like they are selling a pipedream, I don't think it is a scam.
- As you can see that the founder of this newsletter is a known person. The publisher, WealthPress, is also a trusted source when it comes to financial advice.
- They are also providing a money-back guarantee for a month, and you can cancel the subscription if it does not provide value.
- You are totally free to act on the recommendations or don't give a darn since you're under no liability to accept their advice, which, quite frankly, is very risky.
Because of these reasons, my considered opinion is that it's not a scam. It does not mean that it offers excellent advice, and you will make a ton of money by applying this advice blindly.
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How Easy Is It To Make Money With The Blitz Tracker?
Some people have this dangerously false idea that it’s easy to make money in stocks. Well, the reality is quite the opposite. Very few people get successful in making money in stocks; most of them lose their investments.
- The same is the case with The Blitz Tracker. A lot is dependent on luck. You will either make it or lose it.
- But this newsletter enhances the volume of the gains and losses. Because you are acting on a 24-hour explosion for massive gains, if the option you're trading does not turn out as they recommended, you will lose a significant amount of money in the shortest time, and if it turns out to be accurate, you will make a great kill.
- So, it's riskier than traditional trading.
- You have to evaluate yourself. Can you take this risk? What is your tolerance level? Would it be a wise decision to go with the recommendations?
One thing is sure; it would be anything but easy. Actually, there's a great chance of losing your investments instead of making any money.
Do I Recommend It?
When it comes to newsletters, I usually say it depends. But in this particular case, I will say that I don't recommend subscribing to The Blitz Tracker.
- Specifically, the new investors, side-hustlers, and beginners should not think about giving it a shot. It can prove highly catastrophic.
- No matter how much the dream of massive instant gains makes you excited, it can easily turn into a nightmare.
- It is not worth risking your investments just because a newsletter demands you to do that.
- My regular readers know that I’m not in favor of investing in stocks. Instead, I usually recommend learning any profitable skill for making money. You don't have to depend on luck which can easily elude. But in this case, I specifically advise you to stay away from buying or accepting the advice of this newsletter.
I would say that spending money to buy a subscription to this newsletter is a complete waste. There are significantly fewer chances of making money by acting on the recommendations of this newsletter but have a high probability of wiping out.
Is There An Easier And Surer Way To Make Money?
As a matter of fact, there is. It is not required to reveal my monthly earnings in every review, but I do that to create trust and present an example of success to my readers.
- I'm making 4-5 figures monthly income by generating leads for the local businesses, and I consider lead generation the most profitable skill I have ever come across.
- In it, you have to attract qualified leads for your clients. Many of those leads would turn into customers, and your client will make money and, consequently, pay you a good commission.
- There's no need to get intimidated or overwhelmed with the thought of generating leads. It's easier than you think when you know how to do it.
- Using Facebook ads for lead generation is a standard procedure. The basic reason is that the average cost of attracting leads is still lower than other platforms. And it’s also more effective.
If you don't know already how to create, run, and manage successful Facebook ad campaigns, then you have to learn this skill. Otherwise, your ads will not resonate with your target audience. I can suggest to you the best source for this; it's Local Marketing Vault.
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What Is Local Marketing Vault?
It’s a Facebook ads and sales funnels training program for lead generation. It’s exactly what you need in 2021 for making money online.
- This program is not about theoretical text-book type advice. It's a practical training that you learn, instantly apply, and get results.
- Can you believe even beginners start to make 4-5 figures monthly income after completing the training? Because that’s exactly the case.
- It also provides you with pre-made funnels and saves you the headache of building your own. You can implement them into your client's business and skyrocket conversions.
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- An exclusive Facebook community of over 5500 marketers is also waiting for you. The members are super-active and super-helpful to each other.
Why blow your hard-earned money on newsletters like The Blitz Tracker? They would not pay your bills, pay your debts, or give you financial freedom. You have to earn it with your dedication and hard work while having fun along the way. Do yourself a favor and join Local Marketing Vault right now.

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