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Keala Kanae Net Worth

keala kanae net worth
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Everything you need to know about Keala Kanae Net Worth

Keala Kanae is an internet marketer who is the mastermind behind two mega training platforms. Unlike other internet marketers, he is famous but does not earn that much money by commissions. He sells his product but thinks it is better not to make money off his work through commission. Most of his income is generated by giving training to people on how they can start their own businesses through affiliate marketing and earn money from it. Keala has an estimated net worth of $3 million as of 2021. Here are some interesting facts about him. 

 Early Life and Career

  • Keala was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. He lived on the rather humbler side of the neighborhood. Living in public housing he grew up rather by himself. His father was a docker and his mother was a house cleaner. When he was just 13 years old his parents split up. 
  • He attended college five years later and along with his friends he started getting into parties. They used to get paid for getting into parties. This venture failed miserably and he lost all of his money. 
  • They say everyone learns from their experience, this experience light a fire in his heart for business and marketing and so he knew what he would be doing in the future. 
  • He graduated from the University of Hawaii with a bachelor's degree in Phycology. His family was super proud of his achievements as he was the first one in the family to graduate with a college degree. 
  • After graduating from college he became a loan officer and everything was running in his favor until two years later the economy went into recession. 
  • The next year he sold life insurance and was promoted to the position of manager. 

The road towards affiliate marketing  

While quietly working at his job he started digging into real estate and how one could get rich by investing in real estate. He did well in that field and when someone at work used to ask him what he was doing side by side to earn money he would just reply with ‘something on the internet. All these internet and real estate investments were relatively new at that time. 

  • Apart from earning money, he kept his momentum constant and didn't stop training in what was his aim- affiliate marketing. He used paid ads to drive traffic towards him. 
  • In 2015 after doing some research he teamed up with a guy and created AWOL academy. This was a project that would give information and guide people about affiliate marketing. High-quality education would be given to them. 
  • Little did he know that his little project would become so successful. As of now, he has made millions of dollars from AWOL academy. This company has trained thousands of people on how to make money from affiliate marketing and can also join the company and earn a commission. 
  • Network marketing made him a multi-millionaire because of his passion and drive for work.

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