Never share a drink with someone you don’t want to sell to! This means you should sell to absolutely everyone!
But how can you get into this mindset?
It’s simple: set high standards and costs! Don’t be a flaky person and don’t be scared of anything.
I didn’t know or do this earlier in my career. I desperately wanted to make money. So I only sold to cheap people. You know that kind of thing. We seem to fear sunshine and happy endings. But that’s not the right perspective!
I finally woke up!
Now I sell and I sell well. I don’t settle for cheap customers. I force my customers to raise their standards because mine are so high!
And what can I tell you? It works!
CEO/Jack of all trades master of none! The Daily SEM
Father of 4 awesome kids! Trying to survive!
Don't get bogged down by the bells and whistles out there.
His #1 online business pick for 2023 and beyond to grow your own 6/7-figure business getting results now for clients vs later. Learn more here