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Nate O’Brien Net Worth

nate o'brien net worth 2021
image courtesy – youtube.com

Everything you need to know about Nate O'Brien net worth

Nate O'Brien is an inspiration to many young entrepreneurs all over the world. He is estimated to have a net worth of around $321,000 as of 2020. Let's dive into his success story and which steps he took during his life to become so successful.

  • Nathaniel O'Brien was born on March 3, 1983, in Canada. He is a 21-year-old YouTube entrepreneur, American investor, and internet personality. He is mostly recognized for his YouTube channel, which consists of personal finance and lifestyle.

He is a firm believer that schools do not adequately teach the many aspects of finance. During his upbringing, two people were very influential. Both his father and grandfather were on complete ends of a spectrum.

  • His father worked for a corporation for nearly 40 years, and his grandfather had his own landscaping business. Seeing the difference between working for a corporation and having your own business, Nate decided to become his boss. He underway his entrepreneurial voyage at the young age of 11.

When Nate was 11, his first business was a chicken farm, selling eggs and meat to the neighbors. At the young age of 14, he started to mow the neighbors' lawns on the weekends and earned a few 100 dollars a week.

  • As Nate was self-employed, he made about $30-40 per hour, even when he had hurt his back, he still employed his friends and earned about $8 just by sitting at home.

In an interview with Nate O'Brien, he states that he never had a traditional mentor other than his father and grandfather, instead of learning from many creators available.

  • He has continuously been reading books and watching videos learning from everyone. He states that it is easy to collect all this different information and compile it. 

Nate eventually moved on to sell products like seed packets and bumper stickers due to the 2016 elections. His main idea was to stay in the middle of politics and profit, earning around $200 per hour for selling stickers.

  • It was about this time he started his YouTube career. Nate takes inspiration from different financial YouTubers and highlights topics on investing. He has even recently started his blog.

Nate's journey is an inspiration to many young entrepreneurs all over the world. He has worked hard throughout his life and learned from many people. Every opportunity was taken to improve on himself. He is a role model for hundreds of thousands of people, and many tune in regularly for his advice.

3 thoughts on “Nate O’Brien Net Worth”

  1. “Nathaniel O’Brien was born on March 3, 1983, in Canada. He is a 21-year-old”
    Unless this article was written in 2004, how was he born in 1983? I know Nate is 22. As of watching his latest video on 4/13/21 he says he is 22.


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