There has been so much noise about Dan Henry’s book titled Digital Millionaire Secrets. For one, the book is the best medium to learn how he scaled his online courses business to 8 figures with ClickFunnels.
If you are wondering who Dan Henry really is and why his new book is worth your money and time. In this article, I’m going to talk about what Dan does and how he’s become successful selling courses online. Then after that, I will share my view about his strategies which form the nucleus of his book.
How Did Dan Henry’s Success Journey Start?
Dan Henry had progressed from being a broke pizza guy to a millionaire in barely less than two years selling courses online. But his success didn’t just happen overnight. In most of his outings, Dan Henry would not hesitate to attribute his success to focus in terms of marketing element, product and strategy.
Dan Henry Made over $1,000,000 with ClickFunnels
- Tired of his life as an ordinary guy whose living depended on his meager earnings from pizza delivery. Dan Henry got hold of a book that transformed his life forever. It was a book titled DotCom Secrets by Russell Brunson.
- With the knowledge he got from the book, he started running Facebook ads for local businesses. Soon enough, he had gained so much experience that he started generating leads for businesses using Facebook Ads. Following the phenomenal success of his agency, Dan Henry took a step further to create an online course on ClickFunnels to guide digital marketers on the rudiments of running a successful Facebook Ads Agency. He recorded the training in a simple autowebinar sales funnel using ClickFunnels.
The project was an immediate success. Sales began to roll in incrementally. Eventually, Dan Henry received access to the Two Comma Club. Within a couple of months, he earned over $1,000,000 with just a single funnel. This unprecedented success of his over such a small period of time marks a major turning point of his career as a digital marketer.
Dan Henry’s book – Digital Millionaire Secrets
Dan Henry released his much-awaited book titled Digital Millionaire Secrets early this year which is also available in PDF. In the book, he shared every bit of experience he’s had in the process of building his 8-figure online business.
The book, even before its launch, promises to be highly helpful and life-transforming. For one, it’s a firsthand account of an expert who has succeeded in building a thriving online business over the last few years. He understands the ropes of the business. So, learning about his experiences will definitely help you to have a full grasp of the strategy he’s been using to create his wealth.
Learn more about my #1 recommendation to grow an online business here.
Over the last few years, Dan Henry has sold over $10,000,000 worth of digital products. This isn’t by any means out of luck. His success is a product of hard work, commitment and focus. You will find a recurring theme of FOCUS throughout his book. For example, Dan Henry advises his readers to focus on a particular marketing element, product and strategy before branching to another. Lack of focus is why many businesses have crashed. So, as a digital marketer, whether a novice or a pro, it’s important to inculcate the habit of focusing on a single product per time.
What’s Dan Henry Book and Strategy All About?
- The entirety of Dan Henry’s Digital Millionaire Secrets was dedicated to demonstrate how great ClickFunnels is at generating leads for businesses.
- Lead generation is one of the most lucrative services you can offer online and earn a lot of money doing it. Why did I say that?
- Businesses are continually looking to acquire new customers because they are the lifeblood of every business. However, not every prospect becomes a customer in a day. Most prospects go through different stages of a marketing funnel before finally becoming customers. The journey starts from being mere website visitors to leads and then customers after a series of nurturing and grooming.
Businesses pay digital marketers to generate leads for them. So, what Dan Henry and others using ClickFunnels do is acquire leads for local businesses through Facebook Ads. This is what his Funnels and Ads for Entrepreneur course and his new book talk about.
How effective is Facebook Ads in Leads Acquisition?
- Facebook Ads are an effective means to generate leads for businesses.
- Facebook is a leading social media platform with billions of users. This platform creates an avenue for businesses to reach out to their target market using parameters such as location, gender, education, interest, and so on. Facebook allows you to target your ads at people who are most likely to show interest in your product, service or a combination of the two.
This doesn’t go, however, without pointing to the fact that Facebook ads are not as easy as you’ve been made to believe by many courses, books and coaches. Many online coaches make it appear as if running successful Facebook Ads is a piece of cake. They reel out strategies and recommend tools that supposedly make the work much easier. But it’s quite ironic that many people still fail at running successful Facebook Ads. People spend a lot of money on Facebook ads without any tangible results, despite going through many courses.
Do I mean Dan Henry’s strategies don’t work?
The answer is a TOTAL NO! If for nothing, Dan Henry’s sterling accomplishments are clear proof that his strategy does work. Selling over $10,000,000 worth of digital courses is no joke. His lifestyle is another indicator that he’s not faking his success. So, yea, his strategy works well, especially for him.
However, the strategy might not be the best for you. Why?
Dan Henry has used several mediums to talk about his strategy using Facebook Ads to generate leads for businesses. A little digging shows that his strategy involves some complex processes that might get you discouraged along the line. He reels out tons of information and guidelines on how to create and run winning ads. But oftentimes, it’s hard to implement the guidelines as they look too complex and complicated.
Is there a better and easy alternative out there?
Yes, there is. Making money online doesn’t have to be that hectic, tedious and frustrating. You don’t even have to be super-smart to make decent income online.
You only have to find a system that works and duplicate it.
Learn more about my #1 recommendation to grow an online business here.
This is why I’d like to introduce you to a program that has helped me transform my online hustle into a 6 figure business. I’m talking about Local Marketing Vault.
What is Local Marketing Vault?
- Local Marketing Vault is an easy to duplicate funnels and Facebook ads program that teaches you how to build a profitable business helping businesses to generate qualified leads, earning 4-5 figures in retainer fee monthly.
Why’s LMV different from other programs?
Unlike most courses or tutorials that leave your success hanging on trial and error methods. LMV shows you the exact steps to follow to succeed in your lead generation business.
- Once you sign up for Local Marketing Vault, you gain access to high converting pre-made funnels that can help you build your business pretty quickly.
- LMV guides you on how to use ready-made funnels and Facebook Ads to generate leads. You don’t have to master any skills or strategy to run successful ads for your business and clients’. All the technical works have been done and perfected.
- LMV is perfect for both newbies and professional online marketers that want to scale their business. It is what I have used to grow my online business exponentially.
Many people like you are already getting massive results from using LMV. You should also join this tribe of marketers that are earning 4-5 figures monthly using a tested, proven and easy-to-implement system. Click here to learn more about Local Marketing Vault.

CEO/Jack of all trades master of none! The Daily SEM
Father of 4 awesome kids! Trying to survive!
Don't get bogged down by the bells and whistles out there.
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