I recently read T. Harv Eker’s book, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” and here are my notes:
- If your psychological framework is set for achievement, you will change your life. If not, nothing is going to change.
- You have to live like the wealthy to be wealthy. Realize: the reason you believe now is why you are where you are
- Thoughts generate emotions that lead to actions that lead to outcomes. If you don't get the results you expect in a company, look at your feelings. As a kid, have you been conditioned for poverty? Ok, perhaps so. But you can rewrite the software with knowledge, comprehension, disassembly, and reconditioning.
- If you are going to change the visible, begin by changing the invisible. What you don't see is much more important than what you do see.
- A lack of resources is a sign of something wrong internally.
- Your income will only increase to the degree that you do.
- Mixed communications are the primary cause of deprivation. People are at odds with success and they don't know what they really want. Not millionaires though, because they're dedicated to the cause.
- The wealthy are the real thinkers. They're dealing in large numbers. “If I benefit millions, I will make millions.” Wealthy people see opportunities whereas poor people see barriers.
- Notice this: millionaires are hanging out with other millionaires and poor people are hanging out with other poor people. Your salary is estimated to be less than 20% than those you associate with the most. And if you want to do something, consider wealthier friends.
- Millionaires are greater than their own troubles. They understand that the problem of resolving is where the wealth is. People who are poor, on the other hand, can do almost anything to escape problems.
- Millionaires distinguish energy and money. They get rewarded for the results, not the time wasted. They say, more power means more weight and therefore more room for income.
- Millionaires know how to feel relaxed and awkward. They agree that discomfort is important for production. Poor people, though, seek to escape terror, doubt, concern and confusion at all costs.
- Wealthy people know that to be rewarded as the best, they need to be the greatest. On the other hand, poor people expect to receive extra money only because they should
- Rich people save a significant percentage of their income while poor people waste much of their wealth on depreciating goods.
Read and learn, folks!
CEO/Jack of all trades master of none! The Daily SEM
Father of 4 awesome kids! Trying to survive!
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