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Simple Income Strategies Review: Can You Really Make 400$ A Day Or Is It Another Scam?

Simple Income Strategies review

Here's my Simple Income Strategies Review which will help you find out if it is legit or a scam

Simple Income Strategies offer you a 400$ per day income just by posting links on the internet. This is something that sounds too good to be true. But is it actually true? Check out my review and know if it is legit or just another scam.

I am not associated with Simple Income Strategies in any way. This review is my unbiased professional opinion. It is completely up to you if you want to spend your money on Simple Income Strategies.

Lets jump on the review.

An Overview of Simple Income Strategies

  • Simple Income Strategies promises 400$ per day income by working from home.
  • The owner Kelly Simmons talks about how it is hugely successful in helping people ditch their regular 9-5 jobs.
  • Simple Income Strategies have some positive reviews and news articles on its website.
  • It costs 97$ as an upfront fee. After discount fee is 47$ or 77$
  • It teaches people the absolute basics of spamming links on various websites and in return earn commissions when someone purchases something from these links.
  • My verdict: Not recommended.

I will not advise anyone to waste their money on Simple Income Strategies. To learn why, read on below.

What Is ‘Simple Income Strategies’?

Simple Income Strategies basically tells you that you’ll be making around 400$ a day by simply posting some links of products and services on various websites. I have to admit, at first, I felt intrigued by it. I wondered if this can actually be true? If so then I’d register myself straight up and start making 400$ a day posting links.

My curiosity made me dig deeper to uncover the truth behind Simple Income Strategies, which I'll talk about later below. I don’t know if Kelly Simmons created this system or has this model has been copied from elsewhere.

How Does It Work?

With so many people losing their regular jobs as a result of COVID, work from home job opportunities is on the rise. I see a lot of similar jobs every day and I think to myself “Nah, this is probably a scam”. Looking at Simple Income Strategies, I was curious as to how someone can make money with this system so I investigated further.

The basics of this system are as follows:

  • First, you have to watch videos that teach you about advertisement placements.
  • These videos also teach you the basics of internet marketing, and how to post links across different groups, discussion boards, forums, and social media sites.
  • When you’re ready, you get a bunch of links that you need to post.
  • These links are of different products and services.
  • Once someone clicks on those links and purchases something, you get your commission.

Sharing more links means more clicking by users which results in earning more commission.

I have to admit, by now I am more confused than I was before. How can spamming links help you gain commission? I personally believe this is not a real way to make money.

How Much Does It Cost?

Now, this is where it gets really interesting. They’re asking you to invest 97$ upfront of your hard-earned cash, to be a part of the system. I wonder why they didn’t write 99$. Where did this specific figure of 97$ come from?

During my investigation, I spoke to their old customers and they told me it was a one-time payment. However, even before you could do anything on their website you had to make this payment.

How Easy Is It To Make Money With This System?

By now if you can’t tell, then let me say it out loud. It is IMPOSSIBLE to make money with Simple Income Strategies. Once you pay 97$, consider it gone. Think of it as flushing down your money. They’ll give you the links and you’ll spend hours posting (read: spamming) across the web. Even if someone does click on those links and purchases something, you won’t hear back from Simple Income Strategies.

They won’t answer your calls and emails. They’ll simply pretend that you don’t exist anymore. They’ll hope that you’ll just disappear while they can make a fool out of other people.

I have to admit, I’ve had my fair share of bad experiences which is why I write these reviews so that other people can be safe from such experiences.

Is It A Scam?

YES! YES! YES! It is a SCAM!

Stay away from Simple Income Strategies. They are after your money and won’t help you make 400$ a day. They won’t even help you make 1$ a day. It is a completely flawed system that aims to make a fool out of you.

I came across some more information that I found really interesting and thought about sharing with you all here. The company’s name isn’t actually Simple Income Strategies. The entire website is plastered with this name, except the disclaimer where they’ve used their real name 37 Clicks. Imagine getting this same offer from 37 Clicks, you’d instantly think it's a scam. So they plastered a fake name all over their website which helps them fool people easily.

What I’m about to tell you next is going to have your mind blown.

Learn more about my #1 recommendation to grow an online business here.

Who Actually Owns Simple Income Strategies?

So the question is, who actually owns 37 Clicks or Simple Income Strategies or whatever. The website says it's someone by the name of Kelly Simmons. But get this, Kelly is a fake name, and all their pictures are fake too. If this doesn’t sound like a red flag to you, then I don’t know what will.

The real founder has the audacity to put up a disclaimer saying they are using a pen name to protect their family’s privacy. Therefore all the pictures you see are fake. My question is what kind of a business takes money from people and says “Oh so I am worried about my privacy so I’ll lie about my real name and picture”. This is highly suspicious if you ask me.

If it were a legitimate business then they’d be proudly owning it online. If it was helping people make 400$ a day, their owner(s) would be nothing less than a celebrity.

Despite my extensive searching, I wasn’t able to identify who our scammers are in real life and why they are stealing money from people.

What Are Its Reviews?

They’ve used the term affiliate marketing and merged it with spamming links which are basically giving affiliate marketing a very bad reputation. Affiliate marketing is a whole another area, which is legitimate in terms of money-making.

When I spoke to the previous customers, they told me that after they posted their personal information on the website they were bombarded with spam calls, messages, and emails.

To make their side safe from litigation, they’ve discreetly mentioned on their Privacy Policy that they’ll be giving all your information away and that you agree to get calls and emails.

They Even Have Fake Positive Reviews

They actually have a strong network of people who portray themselves as past customers quitting their daily 9-5 and making close to a hundred thousand dollars each month.

The lies don’t stop there. They even posted fake news on their website. If you search for those news articles, you won’t find them. Because they don’t exist. They’ve put in so much effort to sound as legitimate as possible.

Can You Get A Refund?

If scams started handing out refunds, they wouldn’t be so successful now, would they? It is almost impossible to get a refund from them unless you start posting bad reviews everywhere. They’ve taught you how to post links on different websites, right? Use the same knowledge to post bad reviews about them, everywhere.

This will get their attention and they’ll process your refund. The majority of the past customers that I spoke to said that they didn’t receive their money back.

My Recommendation

Spamming links on various groups and expecting to make money is a scam. There have been several other companies, where people were fooled and money was stolen.

After some time, the company even vanishes when pressure against it mounts. They’ll simply come back with a new name and a new story, but their tactics will remain the same.

My advice for you is to stay away from them and keep your money safe.

If you are really interested in making money at home, from a legitimate source that guarantees 4-5 figures, then keep on reading. I’m going to share with you my journey of making money via PPC.

PPC or Pay Per Click is an advertising model, in which an advertiser pays for an ad only when someone clicks on it. Google AdSense is one such platform that has been running on the PPC model for the past couple of decades. You might have even heard people making money out of Google AdSense but didn’t quite understand how.

I am going to do just that. I am going to share my experience, and help you make a healthy 4-5 figure income via PPC.

My Experience With Lead Generation

I have over 15 years of experience with digital marketing and regularly make a 4-5 figure monthly income. You can too if you learn about PPC and invest your time in it.

  • I work primarily with local lead generation.
  • Lead generation means attracting customers via ads and funneling them for conversions.
  • I do this by using Facebook ads that target people who are interested in these products and services.
  • It is nothing like spamming links, instead, it's all about marketing strategy, using keywords, and attracting customers.
  • Local lead generation means I am helping local businesses by bringing in customers for them.

Anyone can set up a Facebook ad. It’s not that difficult. What is difficult is employing a proper strategy to make sure the ad turns out to be successful. The ad shows up on people’s screens who are actually interested in those products/services. The ad actually compels people to click on it for more information. All these strategies and skills can be learned, by taking a PPC course by Local Marketing Vault.

Learn more about my #1 recommendation to grow an online business here.

Local Marketing Vault

Local Marketing Vault offers a PPC learning course that combines best industry practices, trends, and expertise from its vast community to help you gain the skills necessary to run a successful PPC campaign.

Local Marketing Vault is the number 1 on my list of making money from home, because for the following reasons:

  • It is a professional learning course, designed by keeping you in mind. Even if you have zero knowledge about digital marketing, PPC, and lead generation you can still join.
  • They start with the basics and use real-life examples to teach you everything about this area. They give you case studies and scenarios so you can better understand how this works and how you can benefit from it.
  • You don’t need to have a marketing degree, nor a decade of experience to become a lead generation pro. All you need is a sound strategy combined with good skills, that Local Marketing Vault will teach you.
  • Local Marketing Vault has a huge community on Facebook, where other members of the course will share invaluable advice and offer support.
  • Local Marketing Vault also offers pre-made sales funnels that are highly customizable so that you can use them for your clients after tweaking them a bit.
  • If you are serious about learning, you’ll get honest advice and at times tough critique on your strategies.

Local Marketing Vault is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It will take time, and it will ask for your patience. A few hours per day will help you achieve your dream monthly income of 4-5 figures. Most course members have even quit their day jobs because they are making good money from Local Marketing Vault.

Life is short. You can’t sit around and expect things to change. You need to make some effort if you want to turn your life around. Achieve your dream financial goals today and join Local Marketing Vault.

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