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Paula Deen Quotes

Paula Deen is famous for her delicious recipes and cooking shows. She was born in 1947 and is an American TV personality who worked day and night to be at the position she is today. She worked at several food stations, and now has her own well-known restaurants that are called “The Lady and Sons Restaurant” and “Paula Deen’s Creek House”. In case you want to enjoy cooking some mouthwatering dishes at home, you should definitely check out one of Paula’s fifteen published cookbooks. Want to know how she got all this success? Read some of her quotes below to find out!

“If you have a dream, follow it.”

“It’s all about going out there and doing research.  It’s about doing something you’re passionate about, and don’t let anything stop you.  If you’re passionate and willing to make sacrifices and work very hard, you don’t know what great things will happen next.”

“You never know who you will meet along life’s journey.  You have to be open to risks, but calculated risks—open to winning.”

“I believe that everyone should be treated equally.  That’s the way I was raised and that’s the way I live my life.”

 “There’s nothing better than being able to give your children wings so they can soar and fly in the direction they want to go in.”

“That clock is one of our devils in this society because we live in a world of two-income families, where everybody’s working and it’s hard to make time for things that are important.”

 “When it’s said and done, the one thing I want to leave on this earth is hope.  I have felt hopeless, and it’s a terrible feeling.  Hopelessness will destroy you.  I want to bring hope to other people.”

 “God’s given me another gift and I’m going to do my best to shine in a new light.”

“I want to be a woman of substance.”

“It’s amazing how good getting up and moving makes you feel.”

“I also believe that God’s generosity helped me realize my dreams.  I made a commitment to work, God blessed it.”

 “Cooking has always brought me happiness that I didn’t think was available.  I just fire up the stove, and things start to fade away.”

“Having an audience is almost like plugging me into an electrical outlet.  People feed me so much of their energy.  We have a great time.  It’s all about the fellowship.”

“I don’t want to spend my life not having good food going into my pie hole.  That hole was made for pies.”

“Every day you wake up on the right side of the dirt is a good one.” 

“I’m so thankful.  God has been so good and generous.  I always remain true to my roots.  God has been very good to me.”

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